A new training session was held on the use of the Meteo-Hub platform dedicated to functional Centers, to the Territorial Civil Protection Services, to the weather sectors of the regional Arpa and open to Research Weather Centers, including private ones. All the functions implemented to date have been dealt with with various modules, with demonstrations […]
LOMBARDIA and MOLISE joined the regions that participate with the ground stations data to the METEO HUB platform, Lombardia with 186 stations and 576 sensors and Molise with 52 stations and 177 sensors. The observational data of the ground stations of 13 regions, plus the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, are currently available on […]
Videos of the recordings made during the training sessions on the use of the Meteo Hub platform held in June 2021 are available.The video material is divided into individual modules in order to allow easier consultation based on interest. Introduction to the course – Davide Cesari Arpae https://youtu.be/dZwWDzoyhIQ Modulo 1 HPC Infrastructure Gian Franco Marras […]
Mistral: an interesting Webinar for the final event The Mistral project has been completed and for the occasion, on November 23, 2020, Cineca, Arpae, Arpa Piemonte, Department of Civil Protection, Dedagroup and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) organized an interesting webinar in which the functionalities of the portal were illustrated, with observational data […]
The materials produced by the legal consultant Simone Aliprandi are available as part of the Activity 4 Open Data Policy.Simone Aliprandi had from Arpae Emilia Romagna, coordinator of activity 4, the task of carrying out the analysis of the legal problems connected to the acquisition and redistribution of weather data.The activity was conducted by the […]
From today, Tuesday 9 February 2021 until 12 February, the 3rd National Congress of the Italian Association of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology – AISAM on The challenge of open data: opportunities and problems takes place. As part of the conference in the POSTER session: Observations, Forecasts will be presented The Italian national open-data meteorological portal: […]
A new version of Meteo Hub has been released. It contains new features that complement what was expected in the two-year project. Meteo Hub continues as a service and will involve new developments and the integration of new datasets. The new features added are: User profiles configuration: abilitation to post-processing, to scheduling, to view observed […]