A new training session was held on the use of the Meteo-Hub platform dedicated to functional Centers, to the Territorial Civil Protection Services, to the weather sectors of the regional Arpa and open to Research Weather Centers, including private ones.

All the functions implemented to date have been dealt with with various modules, with demonstrations directly on Meteo-Hub.

The material is available at the links below, divided by Modules according to the program of the course.

Program of the course:

Introduzione   al corso – Davide Cesari  Arpae https://youtu.be/dZwWDzoyhIQ

Modulo 1 Infrastruttura HPC Gian Franco Marras – Cineca https://youtu.be/_R4_cWyDBhY


Modulo 2 Panoramica su Meteo Hub – Luca Delli Passeri – DPC https://youtu.be/O3GWexdkT2k

Modulo 3 e 4 Estrazione dati con filtri e postprocessing – Davide Cesari Arpae https://youtu.be/ci3NSWbH9lk

Modulo 5 Italy Flash Flood – Andrea Montani – Ecmwf Luca Delli Passeri- DPC https://youtu.be/ewEFDIXoD5c

SLIDE MODULO-5-Italy Flash Flood – Cenni teorici

SLIDE MODULO-5-Italy Flash Flood – Un caso di studio

Modulo 6  Multimodel SuperEnsemble Luca Monaco Paolo Bertolotto Arpap https://youtu.be/cN0kdF_6iz8

SLIDE MODULO-6-MISTRAL-e-Multimodel-SuperEnsemble

Modulo 7  Dati Radar su Meteo Hub Andrea Pieralice – DPC https://youtu.be/lzpCewX8I_c


Modulo 8 Modalità di acquisizione dati Emanule Di Giacomo – Arpae e Beatrice Chiavarini – Cineca https://youtu.be/bTD8Kqpt1yg

SLIDE MODULO-8-Modalita-acquisizione-dati-in-Meteo-Hub

SLIDE MODULO-8-Modello-dati-osservativi

Modulo 9 Command Line Client – Davide Cesari – Arpae https://youtu.be/nX4q2O-Lswo

Modulo 10  Visualizzazione per mappa – Michele Bottazzi – Cineca https://youtu.be/RwQWUStnwMY

SLIDE MODULO-10_Presentation_visualizzazione

Modulo 11 Profili Utente – Margherita Montanari – Cineca https://youtu.be/Q2NuYLjrFf0


MODULO-11-Profili-utente- Margherita Montanari

If you are interested in an upcoming training session at Meteo-Hub, write to mistral@cineca.it indicating the organization you belong to.