The MISTRAL partners provide free and professional ready-to-use services, you can find a constantly updated list below

Environmental Observation

This Application provides observed meteorological data over italian locations obtained from public weather station. Real time and historical data is provided by using a geospatial information system or displayed in interactive graph.

Forecast Presentation


Application for forecast analysis, the user can choose parameters from a complete catalogue and move trought the model time step. Creating a slideshow of information userful to make an accurate forecast overview on the italian and mediterranean area.


MeteoTiles application rapresent each meteorological variable as aweb map side by side. This allows a dynamic visualizationof the maps, allowing navigation and zooming, as well asthe superimposition of multiple maps, each representing adifferent weather variable.

Weather Data Downloader

Meteo-Hub Application allow you to create and download your personal weather data collection. Choose from different forecast models, weather stations, parameters and time validity range. Download BUFR and GRIB format.

Italy Flash Flood (Discontinued)

Application delivering probabilistic forecasts of 6-hour rainfall for Italy, created by blending together post-processed ensemble forecasts, from ECMWF ("ecPoint") and COSMO. Output shows pre-defined rainfall percentiles and probability thresholds for each COSMO grid point.

Multimodel Forecast

MeteoTiles application rapresent each meteorological variable as aweb map side by side. This allows a dynamic visualizationof the maps, allowing navigation and zooming, as well asthe superimposition of multiple maps, each representing adifferent weather variable.

Other Open Services

The goal of the MISTRAL portal is to facilitate and foster the re-user of the datasets by the weather community, as well as by its cross-area communities, to provide value services through the use of HPC resources, turning it into the level of new business opportunities.

Radar & Realtime maps

Realtime applications for nowcasting weather alert, multilayer information system, allow the user to create an interactive picture of the italian and mediterranean area filled with radar, wind animation an more