“Leonardo Exascale a new resource for research and society, 50 years after the birth of supercomputing in Italy” Science, research, society: as it was before and after Leonardo. Thursday 26th September 2019 – 18:00 to 20:00 Palazzo Magnani – Bologna Speakers include Tiziana Pacagnella who will refer to Mistral as a project that uses the […]
One of the three pre-exascale class computers funded by the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking – EuroHPC will be hosted in Italy by Cineca at the Bologna Technopole. The italian supercomputer will have a peak power of 270 petaflops, will be called LEONARDO and will be one of the 5 most powerful supercomputers in the […]
The Mistral Hackathon organized by Arpa Piemonte took place at the Politecnico di Milano. It was possible to follow the meeting on twitter https://twitter.com/Mistral_hack19 and on the Mistral hackathon YouTube channel there are the contributions of some experts who introduced the hackathon work sessions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClwdORR699ANIcWZ6yIel6g It was an intense day of confrontation between experts on […]
The two PMB and Supervisory Board events took place on 8 and 9 May 2019 at Cineca. During the PMB the coordinator presented in summary the work phases already completed and each partner presented the tasks in progress identifying some points to be explored. At the same time as the Supervisory Board, the PMB has […]
In collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, it is organized on 5/30/2019 an intensive work meeting to collect the needs of potential users of the portal in order to design and implement the methods of displaying datasets and metadata. The one-day meeting will be organized with thematic tables (media, transport, agriculture, […]
The SISC and AISAM associations jointly organize the First National Conference on Meteorological and Climatic Forecasts, whose main purpose is to take stock of the competences and activities in the field of weather and climate forecasts in Italy today, both in the academic, research and in operational services (for example, regional weather agencies). read on […]
The EMS Annual Meeting 2019 will be held from 9 to 13 September 2019 at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on the Lyngby Campus near Copenhagen, Denmark News Session programme: Abstract submission is open Information on registration and rates Additional focus 2019 The Annual Meetings of the EMS aim at fostering exchange and cross-fertilization […]
The Mistral Project kickoff took place on 9/10/2018, with the participation of all project partners, at CINECA headquarters in Casalecchio di Reno (BO). The project aim is the creation of a National Meteorological Open Data Portal to provide citizens, public administrations and national and international private organizations with meteorological data from observational networks, historical and real-time analyses […]