The materials produced by the legal consultant Simone Aliprandi are available as part of the Activity 4 Open Data Policy.
Simone Aliprandi had from Arpae Emilia Romagna, coordinator of activity 4, the task of carrying out the analysis of the legal problems connected to the acquisition and redistribution of weather data.
The activity was conducted by the consultant both through the analysis of the project documents and through various meetings both with Arpae and with all the partners.
Several topics were discussed: the choice of the open license that best meets the needs of the Mistral project, the concept of derived data and how it is treated in the various licenses, the compatibility between open licenses and how they affect the redistribution of data, the intellectual property of data derived from postprocessing and forecasting models and many other concepts also emerged from the analysis of specific cases of the project.
The articles are available here:
- ANNEX-1 MISTRAL D4.3-Analisi Preliminare – Download
- ANNEX-2 MISTRAL D4.3-Licenze Inquadramento Generale – Download
- ANNEX-3 MISTRAL D4.3-Licenze scenari e conclusioni – Download
- ANNEX-4 MISTRAL D4.3-Privacy – Download
Aliprandi has taken up, both in a conference and in a book, some of the themes developed in the Mistral project such as the analysis of the aspects of intellectual property deriving from forecast models.
The video and slides of the lesson are available here, the book presentation is here.