In July, the Mistral Meteo Hub 0. 3. 2 version was put into production with several additional features compared to those of the version presented with newsletter. Postprocessing features have been improved for data extraction, whilst dynamic loading of filters and interactive selection have been added. In addition, user query scheduling has been added with different possibilities and management of licenses and attribution in the flow. Map views have been added for observational data. Here are some examples of temperature values for a day for a specific station:

Map: Multi layer map for displaying forecast data.

Data flow from DPCN to Mistral
The organization of the ground station data flow from DPCN to Mistral has been completed. Many contacts have been made with Functional Centres, Arpa and Regional Civil Protection, obtaining, in the last quarter, new formal agreements to the agreement from the regions of Veneto, Sicily, Sardinia, Umbria, Liguria, Marche and Bolzano Province. These entities are added to Campania, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Lazio and Piedmont, which had already joined. The DPC has been responsible for integrating the data stream with the new added regions on a case-case basis.

Data selection page on Mistral Meteo Hub
Completion of the Mistral catalogue
The Mistral catalogue of open data implemented with CKAN and put into online production has been completed, resulting in the acquisition of the open resources index by the data. gov. it catalog and the European catalog.
Agreement signed with Meteonetwork
An agreement with Meteonetwork, an amateur organization with an important network of measuring stations, has been started. Data from the Meteonetwork ground stations will be available soon for the same regions that have authorized the integration of their data.
End of Mistral project postponed until January 2021
Because of the difficult situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Mistral obtained from INEA an extension of the project until 31 January 2021
DPCN and CIMA commitments
The commitment of the National Civil Protection Department continues: in addition to intense activity to stimulate the regions and the autonomous provinces to sign agreements for the sharing of meteorological observation data in the Mistral portal, the CIMA Foundation is now willing to share with the project all outputs of the called WRF.
Dedagroup presents Mistral to Trentino Digitale, Meteo Trentino, ACI Informatica and to SIAG, Società Informatica Alto Adige
The Mistral project and its potential were demonstrated by Dedagroup Public Services to a number of interested parties. In particular, we would highlight the appointment of 25 March 2020 with Trentino Digitale and Meteo Trentino, during which the project and the services available were explained. In fact, Dedagroup PS has historically collaborated with various stakeholders in Trentino and in particular this presentation was created within the framework of professional GIS services that are provided together with other partners. ACI Informatica has also expressed an interest in the Mistral project and the services developed in this context. For this reason, a brainstorming session was organised on 25 May 2020, aimed in particular at evaluating the possibility of identifying value-added services for travellers, starting from an integration with the data made available by Mistral. Finally, on August 5, 2020, the project was presented to SIAG – Informatica Alto Adige, another historical interlocutor of Dedagroup Public Services, the application areas of Agriculture and Forestry Information System. In this case, the objective of the in-depth meeting was to verify the possibilities of integration with other information systems and services provided by SIAG. These meetings demonstrate the potential and very broad cross-sectional interest in weather data and related services.