Hackathon 2019
Arpa Piemonte oversaw the organization of the Hackathon, which took place at the Politecnico di Milano on May 30. The event was a great success: it gathered dozens of participants from different sectors interested in the collection and management of meteorological data. At the end of the event two videos were made: a trailer of the event and a short video, with interviews with the
participants, opinions and suggestions. The videos are available on Arpa Piemonte’s Youtube channel and on Mistral portal.
Mistral Meteo Hub Platform
The Mistral Meteo-Hub platform is currently being implemented. It contains two sample datasets with forecast data, the selection of search filters, the submission of data requests, also with time programming, and the visualization of output files. The first functionalities were developed starting from the analysis carried on with the other partners on the use cases: selection of the dataset, selection of the search filters, submission of the data request, also with programming, and display of the output files. In addition, the first post processing for the calculation of derived variables has
also been developed.
Data governance
An important objective for the Mistral project is to obtain authorisations from the regional functional centres to use the data observed by the ground stations in order to feed the Mistral portal. After the first year of work three regions have already joined: Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Lazio. Contacts with other regions are going on for presenting in a unified manner, on a single portal. We
asked Carlo Cacciamani, Head of the Central Functional Centre at the Civil Protection Department, why it is important to have concentrated data. “ As CFC I am trying to include in the new directive on alerting – says Cacciamani -, a chapter that regulates the governance aspect of data. While waiting to manage this process, which should be completed by summer 2020, I informally contacted some CFDs to ask if they could contribute to this Mistral project in the meantime, and have their data pooled. I have received positive feedback so far from Calabria and Campania”.
Video Tutorial
First version of the video tutorial on the status of the platform at the end of the first year of the project has been realized. The video was shown at the Cineca booth during SuperComputing 2019 in
Denver, Colorado, (https://sc19.supercomputing.org/) and will be soon available on the portal, with the implementation of different stages of development of the platform itself.
Researchers’ Night 2019
On September 27th, the Researchers’ Night 2019 was held in 116 Italian cities. On this occasion, in Bologna, at the Cineca booth, a presentation space for the project was set up with three explanatory stand-ups and staffed with two colleaugues, meeting with considerable interest from the public.
Mistral at the European Meteorological Society
The poster “Creating an Open data Portal for Citizens: the MISTRAL Project” was presented at the annual conference of the EMS, the European Meteorological Society, at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Lyngby Campus, near Copenhagen, from 9-13 September 2019. The aim was to involve the international meteorological community of the MISTRAL project. The content of the poster aroused the interest of the conference participants. In particular, it was interesting the possibility to access, through the Mistral portal, to nearly real-time observations and ad hoc weather
forecasts for the different needs of end users. The poster is available on the Mistral portal.