Mistral meets the agrometeorology: Agrometeore project
On March 4 2020 in Rome, as part of the National Coordination Table in the field of agrometeorology, a thematic meeting was held on the role of the National Portal of Open Data Meteorological Mistral Project and the Agency ItaliaMeteo in the field of agrometeorology, for the research of collaborations and mutual development opportunities. The meeting was attended by Gabriella Scipione of the Interuniversity Consortium for Automatic Calculation (CINECA), Carlo Cacciamani, Head of the Central Functional Centre at the Department of Civil Protection and Chiara Epifani of CREA, the Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics. The aim is to strengthen and develop skills in the field, identify
the needs of the different regional realities and establish the most effective ways of sharing the available tools. On the website of the National Rural Network you can find all the material of the meeting. (www.reterurale.it/materialiagrometeore)
Highlander project supporting Mistral
Since the end of 2019, the Mistral project has been supported Highlander, and another integrated important by project dedicated to meteorological and climate open data. The Highlander project compared to Mistral is more connected to territory. In particular, through the use of High Performance Computing, Highlander will make it possible to process data for generating climate forecasts and reducing the risks associated with climate change, for a more intelligent and sustainable management of natural resources and the territory (www.highlanderproject.eu)
MeteoHub platform
The Mistral MeteoHub platform has undergone further implementations, such as the hosting of a section for observed data.
Among the post-processing features currently available, besides the calculation of derived variables, there are now both time post-processing (cumulated and averaged at different time steps) and spatial post-processing (point sampling, cropping and smoothing/interpolation) and format conversion. Mistral platform provides also tools for graphical visualization of the observed and forecast data, such as layered and choropleth maps and various plots to monitor the progress of a certain parameters over time
Campania and Calabria joined Mistral
The National Civil Protection Department made a great effort
in order to stimulate and obtain authorizations from the regional functional centers for sharing and use of meteorological data observed by ground stations: Calabria and Campania joined Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Lazio to feed the Mistral portal. It was also released to lead partner Cineca the API procedure to download directly from the server the radar products related to the national mosaic. Finally, conference call meetings were held to develop strategies for the sustainability of the project after October 2020