At the beginning of April, Cineca deployed in production the first version of the Mistral services. This first version of the Mistral platform is the result of the work carried out by several partners: Cineca, Dedagroup, Arpa Emilia-Romagna and ECMWF, and was achieved thanks to the collaboration of Italian Civil Protection Department and Arpa Piemonte activated on specific topics.
In this first version two are the main components of the Mistral platform:
– Mistral Meteo-hub (v.0.2.2): for authorised users
– Mistral Catalogue: open
Mistral Meteo-hub is a service that allows the users to access and download the meteo forecast and observed data and the Italy Flash Flood data. In the next release the radar data will be added here.
Mistral Catalogue offers a tool to browse the catalogue of all the Mistral dataset available.
These services are available at following link:
Along the page it is possible to access all the services of Mistral platform – few of them are not activated yet.
The first section is composed by five boxes leading to different data access points of Meteo-hub
- ENVIRONMENTAL OBSERVATION: at the moment it brings the user to the Meteohub service. In the future to the visualization of the observational data on maps.
- FORECAST PRESENTATION : brings the users to the visualization on static maps of the weather forecast.
- WEATHER DATA DOWNLOADER: this is Meteo-hub.
- ITALY FLASH FLOOD images: this services is not yet available
- MULTIMODEL FORECAST : this service is not yet available.
All the weather forecasts have been ingested in the Mistral platform and are up and running, while we are still working at the ingestion phase of the observational data of Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Lazio, Calabria, Campania, the Regions that, at the moment, have agreed to provide their data to Mistral.
The second section – OTHER OPEN OFFICE SERVICES – is composed of other applications that can be accessible through Mistral but that do not belong to Mistral, such as the RADAR & Real Time Maps of the Italian Civil Protection Department.
The third section – FILTER BY DATASET – leads to Mistral opendata catalogue realized with CKAN.
In details, Meteo-hub includes the following features:
- a section with the list of available observed and forecast data;
- a set of metadata filters for requesting data with interactive selection;
- a post-processing tool with several functionalities:
- calculation of derived variables;
- time post-processing(cumulations, averages and other statistical elaborations overtime);
- space post-processing (geographical elaborations,interpolations and cropping);
- format conversion for observational data.
- submission of data requests, also with time programming;
- visualization of results status: success/failure and other information about extraction files;
- downloading of output files;
- graphical visualization of forecast data, such as layered and maps and various plots to monitor the progress of a certain parameter over time;
- user management – admin page for user and groups creation;
- user notification via email on completion (both SUCCESS and ERROR);
- ingestion of observed and forecast data.
At the moment the access to the Meteo-hub is under password.
At the end of April a new version with new functionalities will be released.