
Six partners and an inclusive approach to involve users. The project partners will work together with the national wider meteorological community to promote the “data opening” and to implement tools to collect, harmonise, aggregate, discover, view, download, transform and disseminate scientifically significant weather data and forecast.The consortium of partners will define open data policies for the national weather data in order to define a national regulation and promote the weather data re-use.


Partners are:

  • CINECA, the national facility for supercomputing applications and research, one of the largest infrastructure in Europe, providing HPC cutting edge resources and qualified support to academic and industry organizations. Lead Partner.
  • Italian Civil Protection Department steers the National Service of Civil Protection with a leading role, in cooperation with regional and local governments, for risk prevention, forecasting and monitoring activities as well as for emergency preparedness and intervention procedures in cases of on-going or upcoming crisis events.
  • European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is an international organization aimed to produce medium-range and long-range weather forecasts for distribution to the meteorological services of the Member States, the development of scientific and technical research directed to the improvement of these forecasts and the collection and storage of appropriate meteorological data.
  • Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Emilia-Romagna carries on numerical Weather Predictions activities at national level and owns a huge monitoring station network and manage a met radar system.
  • Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Piemonte owns a huge monitoring station network, remote sensing instruments together with the deep expertise in weather data interpretation, data processing and model forecast verification.
  • Dedagroup Public Services, a private company, one of the largest Information Technology group with expertise in systems integration, digital design and digital innovation of companies, public bodies and financial institutions, with deep competencies and experience in geo data, open data, and international standards and directives.